Perfecting your web sites can be hard as you need to improve your back–end code quite a bit to ensure your webpages function a lot faster. On the other hand, you’ll be able to boost your site’s functionality, without needing to change anything at all in the backend. By using the Website Accelerators, incorporated into the Online Control Panel, you can make your websites come up and operate a lot faster than ever before. This won’t simply reward your end users (everyone enjoys the web page they are checking out to load fast), but will even help your website get better rankings in major search engines.

Working with the Website Accelerators is really effortless. Simply just log into the Online Control Panel and check out exactly how each website accelerator application performs.


RAM–caching as an alternative to data–base calls

In case you have a data base–dependent website or web app, and if database queries have a tendency to lower the overall performance, this could be really discouraging to the site visitors and the web app consumers. Seeking out a remedy usually can require a considerable amount of time. However, within the Knowide Hosting Online Control Panel, there’s a simple solution for you.

Memcached is an easy, yet potent memory–based object store, that collects data and objects in the RAM. This way, the database–stored information on your website will not need to be loaded every time a customer loads the very same web page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–caching rather than HTTP calls

Using the Varnish website accelerator application included in Knowide Hosting’s Online Control Panel, you can make your web site webpages come up a lot faster for your visitors. All of the configurations are made by way of a simple to use interface, without the need to create any immediate changes to the code of your respective web site.

Varnish is an HTTP acceleration tool that will help all web pages work faster by storing them in the server RAM. That way, after a page has already been opened by a visitor one time, it does not need to be brought from the server any longer, which in turn lessens loading time and accelerates your webpages. It’s been tested that Varnish often boosts website load times with a 300 – 1000x factor.

Hepsia File Manager


An effective way to make adaptable applications

If you’d like to construct a web app, make sure you have the instruments you may need readily available immediately, with no need to hunt, assemble and set them up. Our Online Control Panel could help you save both the money and time, by giving you the equipment you may need right close at hand.

The Node.js application will allow for designers, regardless of whether they’re pros or not, to set up flexible network applications and websites. It is based upon the Google V8 JavaScript engine and the libUV. Node.js utilizes an event–based, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it lightweight and reliable, perfect for data–intensive real–time web applications that run through distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager