With a mailing list, you’ll be able to send out the same e-mail message to separate recipients at the same time. The mailing list is a collection of their email addresses, so if you send out a single email message to the list’s email address, newsletter@domain.com – for instance, it’ll be re-sent automatically to all the mailing list subscribers momentarily. Normally, people have to subscribe to such a list, but sometimes their addresses can be added manually too, depending on the software application that is used to administer the mailing list itself. You can use the feature to touch base with prospective or existing clients and to send them notifications, brand new offerings and other sorts of information on a regular basis. This will show your desire to keep in touch with them and will increase the popularity of your web site.
Mailing Lists in Shared Hosting
If you have a shared hosting service with our company and you want to set up an Internet mailing list, it will take no more than sixty seconds and a couple of clicks to achieve that. You can create and delete mailing lists through the Email Manager tool, which is an essential part of our custom-developed Hepsia Control Panel. During the process, you will be able to choose the email address that will be used to send out emails to your subscribers and the administrative email address and password which you’ll use, so as to be able to configure various settings, to add and remove subscribers, etc. You can update the administrative details whenever you wish from the same section of the Control Panel. We employ Majordomo, a popular and powerful mailing list management software app, which will grant you full command over the everyday e-correspondence with your mailing list subscribers.
Mailing Lists in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you choose to take advantage of one of our semi-dedicated hosting service to host your domains and to manage your electronic correspondence with clients, you’ll be able to set up electronic mailing lists with just a few clicks. There isn’t any limit on how many mailing lists you can have at a time, so you can send different content to different types of people. To create a brand new mailing list, you just need to go to the Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Email Manager section, to click the corresponding icon and then to insert an admin mail, an admin password and the particular mailing list address to which you’ll send out the messages that your mailing list subscribers will receive. You’ll be able to add and to delete mailing lists and to add, remove, approve and view mailing list subscribers whenever you wish.