The term "disk space" may also be identified as "disk quota" or "data storage", yet all these terms mean the very same thing - the amount of information that you'll be able to upload to a shared hosting account. The overall size of everything you have is calculated by accumulating the storage space taken by the entire content within the account, the most obvious being the data files that you upload. Two other things are usually disregarded by many people, though - email messages and also databases. Larger attachments or databases of large script-driven sites will often require a lot of storage space as well. In order to use a more familiar analogy, the disk space of your laptop or computer is taken not just by files that you download, but additionally by docs you create plus programs you add. Similarly, a number of things are counted towards the hdd space your information takes on a web site hosting server, in addition to the uploads.
Disk Space in Shared Hosting
All our shared hosting packages were developed with the idea that too little hard disk space cannot be something that should obstruct the progress of your sites. For this reason we have used an approach which is more advanced than the one that most web hosting companies use - rather than creating a variety of accounts using one server and eventually running out of disk space, we employ a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is handled by a wide group of servers. That's why, we are able to connect more machines when they're necessary and / or more hard drives, so as to provide additional disk space for all the files of our valued customers. Different clusters control the e-mails and your databases, therefore not only will you be able to increase the size of your web sites without worrying about hdd space, but also all of the servers will perform faster and better owing to the fact that each and every service features its own space for storage and a single server doesn't handle different types of files.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
With all our semi-dedicated server packages, the hard disk space characteristic is unrestricted, so that you'll be able to focus on developing your web sites the way they should be and never be worried about reaching a restriction. Unlike a variety of hosting providers that create accounts on one server, we take advantage of a custom-made cloud platform, which enables us to provide truly unlimited hdd storage for every single account. With a single machine, there're only so many hard drives you can use, not mentioning that most of the hosting Control Panels weren't made to work with multiple servers at the same time. Our platform, in contrast, employs clusters of servers for the site files, emails and databases, and our custom Hepsia Control Panel was designed to work with it. We are able to install as many servers to all of the clusters as required at any time, so the hdd space is virtually unlimited.
Disk Space in VPS Servers
The disk space that we provide with our VPS servers ranges depending on the package that you select when you register. With a more powerful server, you will be able to effortlessly manage different web sites, meaning extra content, so the greater the VPS plan, the more disk storage you will have at your disposal. Changing from one plan to another usually takes just a few clicks and it will not involve any service disruption. Your web site databases, files and emails will share the overall amount of space the server contains, yet if you'd rather to get fixed quotas, you're able to choose cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during the ordering process. Each of the tools will enable you to create web hosting accounts with limited hdd space and if necessary, even to allot space from one existing account to a different one. When using the third solution that you'll find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the storage.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
The minimal hard disk space available when you use our dedicated servers is 500 GB. You will have 2 separate HDDs, 250 GB each, and it'll be up to you the best way you will utilize this storage. You can have the drives in RAID, so that all of your information is always safe as one of the drives will function as a real-time mirror of the second one, or maybe you're able to make them function independently, to use the overall storage capacity that will be accessible. The disk space of all of our Linux dedicated service is sufficient for everything - huge Internet stores, file depository portal, private archive clone, and a lot more. We will never keep back your websites with regard to the HDD storage they can use. In case that they begin expanding, we provide you with the opportunity to add additional HDDs to your present server when required. When you obtain the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you'll be able to create a unique account for every single hosted domain name and set a disk storage quota for it. With Hepsia all your domain names will be hosted in one place and they'll share the total server storage space.